My latest note taking solution muse
This blog is ‘currently’ as of December 2024 using Notion for the ease of publishing mini blog articles, things that i would like to share with the world.
I have now started to use NotePlan as my personal cross-platform note taking tool…
And, as with all of these new toys when I find them, they are AMAZING, everybody should use them…
All i really need to say is that, I want my notes to belong to me…
I don’t want Evernote holding my notes hostage, I want local file access to my notes, as txt or md
I need linking between notes, i want the note structure to work for me, not me needing to work around and with the structure
And finally I want a new txt note file each day, auto generated
NotePlan does all of this! AND it integrates with my calendar(s) making the Daily note concept ultra convenient, because I can see where I was and what calendarised events were taking place on the day that the daily notes are created.
so… check it out